Category: Uncategorized

Colonoscopy Test Center in Delhi

Colonoscopy test center in Delhi It is a non-surgical procedure in which the doctor examines the internal side of the large intestine (colon and rectum). A colonoscopy involves inserting a…

Endoscopy Test centre in Delhi NCR

Endoscopy is a non-surgical procedure that examines a person’s digestive tract. An endoscope, a specialised instrument, is used to perform this procedure. An endoscope is a flexible tube with a…

What Exactly Is HLH?

HLH is an abbreviation for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. It is a potentially fatal condition that can be classified as either primary or secondary HLH. Primary HLH, also known as “familial” HLH,…

Polysomnography (sleep study)

Polysomnography, also called a sleep study, is a comprehensive test used to diagnose sleep disorders. Polysomnography records your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing,…