Stroke Specialist Doctor in Delhi
Dr. Mukesh Kumar is one of the best brain stroke specialist doctor in Delhi
Get consultation for brain stroke from one of the best neurology specialist doctor in Delhi Dr. Mukesh Kumar, he is expert in treating all kind of neurological disorder with an experience of 18 + years.
A stroke happens when a blood vessel ruptured in brain , rupturing or leakage of blood vessel interrupt the blood supply to the brain which deprive our brain from the oxygen rich blood. When there is lack of blood in brain cells they start dying which can cause life-long disability or death in certain cases.
Types of stroke:
There are three common types of brain strokes
Ischemic Stroke: Acute ischemic stroke issudden loss of blood supply in the brain, this stroke is also known as brain ischemia and cerebral ischemia, this stroke is more common than Hemorrhagic stroke.
Hemorrhagic Stroke: brain aneurysms or brain AVM’s (arteriovenous malformations) are most common reason of a hemorrhage stroke, as brain aneurysms results in ruptured blood vessels
TIA Stroke: Transient Ischemic Attack stroke is a mini stroke, which can be a warning of a major stroke ,it’s a temporary blockage in blood vessels of the brain.
Symptoms and Warning Signs of a Brain Stroke:
- Numbness in one side of the body
- Severe and sudden headache
- Blurry vision in one or both eyes
- Sudden difficulty in understanding
- Loss of balance or dizziness
- Paralysis in face or arms
Causes and risk factors of a brain stroke:
- High blood pressure can be one of the major cause of a brain stroke
- Obesity and diabetes , as diabetes damages our blood vessels
- Heart diseases , irregular heartbeats may cause stroke in elderly people
- Blood thinning medicine may also contribute to a brain stroke
- In some cases a brain stroke can be genetic.
- Consumption of alcohol, tobacco or drugs also leads to a stroke
Diagnosis of a brain stroke:
Your primary doctor may refer you to a neurologist if you are showing any symptoms of the brain stroke; a neurologist may ask you about your symptoms or medical history, they might run some tests like CT Scan, MRI or heart test to further diagnosis.

Treatment of a brain stroke:
If a patient get injected with blood clot dissolving drugs within 4 hours of arrival of a brain stroke, one can save them from a life-long disability like paralysis. A patient may get admitted after onset of a brain stroke, in some cases it may take years to recover from the disability, this disability can be temporary or permanent and for that rehabilitation is required.
Prevention is required even after your first stroke to stop the further strokes. That will happen only with healthy and stress free lifestyle with necessary medication.